Interactive Workshops & Training

DEI Outdoors offers a range of virtual and in-person workshops centered on organizational culture, equity and justice, and access to outdoor spaces. Our workshops use experiential and interactive approaches to ensure participants leave with tangible takeaways. Book these workshops for webinars, conferences, keynotes, or other events.*

Rachel is standing at the front of a room full of people. There is a powerpoint that reads "Bias: An origin Story".

Base Camp - Our Core Offerings

We offer a foundation of four workshops to help lay the groundwork for diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization. These core offerings are a good choice for organizations just beginning their DEI journeys or have had a long pause between other DEI trainings. Each Base Camp workshop builds off of the next. These workshops include:

  • Creating a Culture of Learning - Here, we create a brave space to foster learning about these vulnerable topics.

  • Communication Across Differences - Then, we discuss strategies to communicate with our team members, establishing shared language and terminology.

  • Bias & Identity - In this workshop, we engage in more real-life scenarios and learn how to respond in different situations.

  • DEI Toolbox - Lastly, we put learning into practice as we cover topics like bystander intervention, de-escalation training, personal boundary setting, and self-management resources.

  • So What Now What Strategic Planning - For groups like the Board of Directors, we work through activities to turn vision into action.

The Summit Series - Become a Partner in Transformation

For organizations looking to dive into more specific areas, we offer a range of learning modules that go beyond the basics. For organizations looking for a long-term commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work, we offer a range of workshops that go beyond the basics. The Base Camp workshops, or a similar approved alternative, are required learning to advance into our Summit Series. Some exceptions, like conference workshops, keynotes, or webinars, may apply. Some of these include:

  • Use Your Outside Voice! How To Harness Your Personal Narrative To Make A Difference In The Outdoor Spaces

  • Human-Centered Hiring: Building Equitable and Inclusive Practices

  • Assessing and Advancing Belonging: Overcoming Roadblocks to Inclusion

  • Volunteer Engagement and Retention Through the DEI Lens

  • Measuring Our Impact in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

  • Building Authentic Partnerships with BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ Organizations

  • Torchbearers: Creating Advocates for Diversity in Your Organization

  • Anti-racism & Unconscious Bias Work

  • Fostering & Building Mentorship Programs

  • WMBE Business Training: Certify as a Woman or Minority-owned Business in Your State.

Our Partner Offerings

We work with several experienced partners to provide workshops on niche topics.

In Partnership with Heather Bruegl, we offer the following:

  • More than a Land Acknowledgement

  • Cultural Appropriation and Why Words Matter

*We require booking at least 60 days in advance for in-person training sessions and 30 days in advance for virtual coaching or training sessions. This will ensure that we can provide your organization with the best possible training experience.

Learn more about the workshops, including descriptions & objectives, here.

Our Approach

  • Comprehensive & Holistic: The content of our workshops is less about checking off a box for annual staff training, and more about developing a foundation of learning and growth for the entire organization.

  • Collaborative: We engage participants in co-creating strategies and solutions, ensuring that the workshop outcomes reflect the needs of your entire team.

  • Actionable: Our workshops are interactive and participatory, focusing on providing tools and strategies that participants can use beyond our time together.

More Information

Each interactive training lasts about 90 minutes and can accommodate up to 25 participants per trainer. Adjustments will be made to cater the content to your organization’s needs and culture. For more information on workshop descriptions and learning objectives, please email

Custom Designed Workshops

DEI Outdoors also offers custom-designed workshops specific to your program’s needs. We will work with your team one-on-one to design a program for your organization. Custom workshops are designed to cater to your needs and will be the length of your choice. Please contact us for more information.

Pathways to transformation

We recommend a combination of training, coaching, and auditing to identify the root cause of the challenges your organization may be experiencing and allow for ongoing growth, change, and support. Learn more about our comprehensive approach here.